The Remarkable Health Advantages of Beer

Beer: A Toast to Your Health
Beer is not just a social lubricant; it’s a beverage brimming with nutrients that can contribute to overall health. It’s a source of proteins, essential minerals like magnesium and potassium, phosphorus, an array of vitamins, and maltose. These components can enhance hair strength, skin health, and even help prevent certain diseases when consumed in moderation.

1. Kidney Health Support
Beer may aid in keeping your kidneys healthy. A study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that moderate beer consumption is associated with a reduced risk of developing kidney stones. The diuretic effect of beer helps prevent the excessive accumulation of salts, which can lead to stone formation. However, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before using beer as a remedy for kidney issues.

2. Cognitive Function Preservation
As we age, our cognitive abilities naturally decline. Research suggests that moderate beer drinking could slow this process. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that women who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol had a lower risk of cognitive impairment. Beer’s ingredients may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

3. Cardiovascular Benefits
A heart-healthy lifestyle might include a pint of beer. According to a meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, moderate beer consumption is linked to a roughly 25% reduction in heart disease risk. Beer’s anti-clotting properties help maintain clean and flexible blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

4. Bone Density Enhancement
Beer is a significant source of dietary silicon, which is important for bone health. A study in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that dietary silicon intake is positively associated with bone mineral density. The phytoestrogens in beer also contribute to bone health, making it a potential ally against osteoporosis.

5. Cancer Risk Reduction
The antioxidants and flavonoids in beer, particularly xanthohumol from hops, have been studied for their cancer-preventive properties. A review in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research highlighted the potential of xanthohumol as a chemopreventive agent against prostate cancer.

6. Vitamin B Richness
Beer is a surprisingly good source of several B vitamins. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published findings that beer could contribute significantly to the intake of dietary silicon and B vitamins, which are crucial for various bodily functions, including energy production and brain health.

7. Diabetes Risk Management
Moderate beer consumption may also be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A study by Harvard researchers, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that moderate alcohol intake increased insulin sensitivity, potentially reducing the risk of diabetes.

8. Longevity and Mortality
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has noted that moderate beer drinkers may have a lower mortality rate. This could be due to beer’s role in reducing the risk of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular conditions and diabetes.

9. Blood Pressure Regulation
While wine often gets the spotlight for heart health, beer too can play a role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. A study involving over 70,000 women, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, found that moderate beer consumption was associated with a reduced risk of hypertension compared to those who drank wine or other alcoholic beverages.

10. Stroke Prevention
The blood-thinning effects of moderate beer consumption can help prevent the formation of blood clots that could lead to strokes. The American Heart Association has reported that moderate alcohol consumption can help prevent clot-related strokes.

11. Skin Health and Anti-Aging
Beer’s vitamins and minerals help combat toxins, acting as a detoxifier for the body. This can lead to healthier, more youthful-looking skin. The antioxidants in beer, such as those found in hops and barley, can help tighten loose skin and ward off early signs of aging.

In conclusion, while beer can offer various health benefits, it’s important to consume it in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to negative health outcomes, so it’s essential to enjoy beer responsibly. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or alcohol consumption habits.

Tips to improve your metabolism

“I just don’t understand, whyit always happens to me Mama, I eat less yet gain so much weight; while look at Jenny, she eats a ton, never exercises, still she never pops up on weighing scale. I am so frustrated and disheartened”, complained Ruby to her mother.

This is something many of us wonder, but why this happens? Well, weight gain can be due to many reasons, but metabolism is a crucial determining consideration. Now what is this Metabolism and why is it so relevant?

Metabolism in simple worlds, can be explained as a complex bodily chemical process which is fundamental for all activities we perform like walking, running, breathing, food digestion, circulationetc. In a nutshell; this process keeps us alive and functional.

If you have high metabolism, you are inclined to burn more calories, therefore gaining less weight even whileconsuming more food.

Our metabolic rate is controlled by many aspects including gender, age, physical activity level andbody type & size. BMR or basal metabolic rate is our metabolism or calories spend while at rest. Today we are sharing some pro tips to upsurge your metabolic rate:

Exercise is the mantra: It is no secret that good physical activity on daily level can improve your metabolism. Most people think exercise means running or heavy workout, but metabolism can also be enhanced with yoga, cycling, dancing, swimming, playing favourite outdoor sports too. Then why not choose what you love and give your metabolism a quick acceleration.

Change in food habits:

Eat small quantities of food every two hours
Have your breakfast within an hour of waking in morning
Drink plenty of water
Green tea, coffee, spicy foods, apple cider vinegar ginger, dark chocolates also helps in increasing metabolic rate
Avoid sugar laden energy drinks and junk food items
Include more proteins in your daily diet since proteins digestion is time consuming for body which gives you feeling of fullness. Add proteins like pulses, lean meat, eggs, whole grains (like brown rice), soya, sprouts
Cut down on trans fats. Include limited amount of healthy fats like nuts
Spend time outdoors:Fresh air provides more oxygen to body and improves metabolism however in pandemic situation keep mask and social distance in mind.

Avoid prolong sitting: Pandemic has imposed work from home culture where we are inclined to spend more hours sitting at desk or on sofa. But standing helps in improving metabolism. Take regular break from work and move around.

Refreshingsleep: Eight hours of undisturbed sleep not only revitalize your body but also helps in escalating metabolism.

Stay happy and positive: If you are happy you are more likely to be active and productive, which boosts metabolism. Meditation and time spend with loved ones helps improving mood and removes stress which improves metabolism.

A good metabolic rate provides you with ample energy, better health and helps in shedding some weight too.

What are The Effective Ways of Stress Management at Workplaces?

As an employed person you probably know about working under stress. Work stress can occur at any time. Suppose a must-do project arrives without any warning and the deadline is very hard. Every job has some stressful element. You can love your job but still be stressed because of work pressure or some other issue. However, when work stress becomes chronic, it can cause harm to both physical and mental health. In that case, stress management at a workplace is important.

This article will tell you about the effective ways of stress control in the workplace. But before we discuss about stress control, let’s have a look at the causes of stress at work.

What Causes Stress Among Employees?

Certain factors go hand in hand with work-related stress. If you observe a few workplaces and their work culture, some common factors will come up. The factors can be listed down as-

Low Salary- Everyone has their salary expectation that matches the standard pay in the market. When an employee has this feeling that he is giving his best and still not getting paid enough, he will be stressed.

Excessive Workloads- This is another factor that causes stress among the employees. Many employees deal with excessive workload, working overtime regularly which is not allowing him or her to have a personal life beyond work. In this situation, business psychologists are required for work stress control.

Less opportunity for career growth- If you are working for an organization, you would want to see your career growth there. After 5 years you want to be in a better place and that is how our psychology works. When an employee is working at an organisation for a long time and not being able to see any growth, he or she is likely to be stressed. Stress control implementation is needed here as well.
There are other factors like dull work, less control over work-related decisions, lack of social support, and unclear performance expectations from the employees can cause work-related stress. So, the organisations must look into this and try to hire business psychologists or executive coaching for eradicating the stress.

How to Control Stress at the Workplace?

Here are a few effective methods of stress control at the workplace.

Develop Healthy Habits

Many people try to control stress with cigarettes and alcohol. You might feel like they are helping but they are consuming your health. So, it’s better that you try to develop some healthy habits for effective stress control. Exercise is a great stress buster. Yoga can also be very helpful for you. Any physical activity you choose will help you in stress control.

You can also try to develop some habits and make time for things that you love to do, it can be anything like painting, reading a novel, writing, playing games, photography and so on. Also, remember excessive caffeine intake does not help in stress management. Rather try to have some good sleep in the night.

Reappraise Negative Thoughts

Chronic stress and anxiety provoke a person to interpret situations in a negative way. A person might jump into negative conclusions without any proper evidence. It pushes them to the edge where they start questioning their work abilities.

Reappraising of these thoughts is important. It can be done by taking each and every negative thought as a hypothesis instead of considering them to be written on the stone. This skill will help in stress control and reducing emotional contact with baseless thoughts that come from stress and anxiety.

Establish Boundaries

We are living in a world where everything is being done digitally. You might feel the pressure of being active 24×7 and your company might ask you to work on your “me time”. In such cases, establish some boundaries and learn to say “no”. Try not to work once you are out of your office. This means not checking mails from your home or not answering the work calls while dinner.

People might have different preferences when it comes to handling their work life and personal life and maintaining balance. However, creating a few boundaries work efficiently in stress management.

Ask for Help

There are business psychologists available where you can go and talk it out. Do not be fearful or scared to ask for help. Executive coaching regarding stress control might also help in this situation. You can also talk to your friends and family about it. Don’t just keep it within yourself. Sharing your problems and stress with your dear ones also work for stress control.

Take a deep breath, pause for a moment, relax, and always remember “every cloud has a silver lining”. You will be able to understand what is causing you stress at your workplace and you will also be able to take the right route to get over this and work again with efficiency. Also, these stress management methods will help you to look beyond it.

How do I find the best Pediatric dentist near me at Bridgewater New Jersey?

Pediatric dentists too understand this problem with parents and well decorate their clinics to suit the mood of different children patients. They know how looking at the doctor’s tools and equipment can play with their brains, and they may end up running or only not coming for their routine appointments. Hence, their clinics are often kids-friendly.

Out of numerous dental practitioners in town, it becomes even difficult for the parents to find one best dentist for their kids. However, the smarter ones always do their homework and evaluate available resources to answer ‘who is the one best pediatric dentist near me?’.

Let’s look at how you too, can find the right dental service for your little munchkins.

Research about the pediatric dentist and his staff
We live in a digital world. Don’t we? Hence, the smarter ones exploit the digitally available information in the form of reviews, testimonials, ratings etc. associated with a particular pediatric dentist and his staff members. The reputation of the clinic matters a lot. It is only due to elite dental services and proven track record; patients go to any doctor. Similarly, talking to those parents who have already made their children undergo dental treatment at similar clinics helps parents in making a final decision. A simple dialogue gives a lot of information about the dentist, his clinic and the staff members.

Evaluate If the Clinic Is Kid-Friendly
Kids have a playful persona; therefore, the pediatric clinic is expected to exhibit cheerfulness, joy and a lot of children-specific aurae. Failing this might lead children to resist their dental treatment. Smart parents indulge in speculating the selected pediatric dentists by either arranging a virtual visit or making around at the particular clinic personally. There are several places at a pediatric clinic that a parent should evaluate:

Infrastructure and décor of the clinic
Bright colours and bold designs sum up child psychology. It is essential to give kids a homely feeling. If the acoustics and ambience don’t give kids a sense of joy, they would fear of revisiting the same dentist or might not cooperate during their first visit as well.

Activity and Play zone
While for us (the adults), there are waiting rooms. For kids, there are activity and play zones to keep them engaged during the cold hours. It is to ensure they don’t develop a feeling of restlessness or become anxious thinking about their upcoming daunting tooth treatment journey.

Surprise gifts and giveaways
Majority of pediatric dentists are too generous with kids, and why not, they are their significant paychecks of course. Child clinics arrange plenty of gifts for visiting child patients. The excitement in children to receive gift offerings make them happy to come to their routine dentist appointments regularly.

While choosing a dentist, make sure your children are involved in the selection procedure. Though not in the matters related to finance or other decision-making processes, you need to be vigilant regarding the hints your kids may throw at different dentists, their clinic, atmosphere and staff.

Your neighbourhood pediatric dentist near Bridgewater New Jersey at RiteSmileDental awaits to welcome your kids at a well-maintained dental home away from home- to offer familiar surrounding for a smooth dental treatment.