And without the proper experience, you could be better off handling your own retirement planning on your own. Here are some tips for choosing a Retirement Financial Advisor:
- Know your income tax planning options. The very first thing you should do when choosing your retirement financial advisor specialty is to sit down and map out your entire income tax planning situation. Make a list of every single tax bracket, you’ll be in as well as the highest tax rate you will be in. Take into consideration investments you’ll be making as well as any state and local taxes you’ll be paying. It’s also important to take into account any employee-sponsored plans or accounts you may already have.
- Look at your healthcare costs. The biggest expense you will be faced with after retirement will be medical costs. While there are some excellent insurance products for seniors, such as Medicare supplement insurance and Medicaid, it’s still a good idea to budget for healthcare costs as well. A good retirement financial advisor will help you understand which medical accounts you’ll need, and which ones you can avoid. Knowing this important information will put you ahead of the curve should you ever need to seek out additional healthcare services or insurance.
- Check out the advisors you’re considering. Even if you think you’ve found the perfect retirement advisor, always talk to them personally. Get to know them a little bit. Ask about their level of familiarity with the market, your goals, their track record, etc. If they are hesitant to answer your questions or give you direct answers, keep looking.
- Be realistic with your goals. While many people find themselves very set on certain lifestyles when they reach retirement age, others aren’t quite as sure. It’s not uncommon for older adults to start a whole new lifestyle when they reach senior age, in an attempt to recapture their previous lifestyle when they were much more active. One thing that many successful retirement financial advisors stress is to create a good income strategy. One thing you want to look at is their income strategy. What does this mean?
- Don’t be afraid to ask for independent professional financial advice. While advisors who work for the company that you’re working for may be knowledgeable and useful, it’s always better to get your own point of view from someone who isn’t tied to one company or another. Look for a retirement planning advisor who works with a wide variety of clients. This will help ensure that you can get your point of view across to them and, if necessary, get modifications to your plan to better suit your needs. Even if you’ve already established your retirement planning goals, it’s wise to periodically speak with a financial advisor about how you’re progressing and whether there are other areas of your plan that could use some adjustments. With a little communication and solid advice, you can develop a good retirement income strategy that will benefit you, your loved ones, and your entire working environment.